Monday, 28 October 2013


Today, I'm going to talk about Halloween, an important feast in England and Unites Estates.
The name Halloween come from All Hallows' Eve and it's celebreated in the 31 of October. This feast have a celtic origin it's celebrated from the nineteenth century. The most important thing in Halloween are the pumpkins:
They decorate the pumpkins and then they put a candle inside.
Now, I'm going to tell you the history and the origins of Halloween:
In the past in Ireland celebrated a similar feast this day for celebreated the end of the harvest season. They wore masks and costumes to chase away the bad espirits.

Now, Halloween is one of the most important feast in England and United Estates, this night all the children go house to house with costumes and say:"Trick or treat".

And the people of the houses give them some sweets.

In Spain Halloween isn't very important but some children go house to house and say: "Trick or treat".
I hope you like this post, Bye bye :)

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